Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Thanks for coming to check out my blog!

Why do we need a new public interest blog at this point?  And why should you add this particular one to your already crowded newsfeed?  The short answers are "we don't, and you shouldn't."

Still here?  Good.  Now that we've gotten rid of the discerning, thoughtful blog-reading population, I can tell you that this is meant to be a light-hearted, fun place to discuss heavy, difficult, and (let's face it) sometimes boring issues.  The real answer to the question above is that, in my opinion, any addition to the public sphere calling attention to important developments in areas like environmental, civil rights, employment, or election law is a good thing in and of itself.  (But the real real answer is that this is a vanity project.)

So welcome to Civilly Wrong!  I hope to keep you entertained or, barring that, vaguely interested.

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